
Talkshow “Mengenal lebih dekat generasi Z dan Alpha”

By |2025-01-16T13:50:01+07:00January 16th, 2025|Categories: Events, Faculty & Staff Events, Faculty & Staff News, News|

In the context of "Dari Kami untuk Kami", SMYPM's HDR Department organized "Mengenal lebih dekat generasi z dan alpha", an internal event specifically designed for our faculty and staff. Guest speaker was Dr. Aireen Rhammy Kinara Aishya, M.Psi, Psikolog, a former SMYPM voice student [...]

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By |2024-07-11T00:03:05+07:00July 11th, 2024|Categories: News|

Panitia konser Musisi Remaja telah tuntas melaksanakan tugas hari ini. Seluruh rangkaian konser berjalan dengan lancar dan para penampil telah mempersembahkan yang terbaik dari permainan mereka hari ini. SELAMAT dan TERIMA KASIH kepada seluruh panitia, penampil dan guru2 pembimbing Konser Musisi Remaja yang telah terlaksana dengan baik pada hari [...]

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Taman Musik YPM

By |2024-05-30T19:34:22+07:00May 30th, 2024|Categories: News, Student News|Tags: |

Taman Musik YPM, soft-launched in May 2024, is a subdivision of the YPM Music School. It's goal is to offer instrument lessons to anyone aged 4 and up without the requirement to attend any academic classes such as theory/solfeggio, recorder, choir etc (as is custom to students enrolled [...]

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Book Launching and Gala Concert now available for viewing on YouTube

By |2024-01-04T21:11:46+07:00December 29th, 2023|Categories: Faculty & Staff News, News|

For anyone who has unable to attend either book launching or the gala concert held in the name of Iravati M Sudiarso, both events are now available for viewing on YouTube! Links provided below.

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Iravati M Sudiarso – Untuk Seni dan Negeri

By |2023-10-16T14:27:56+07:00October 16th, 2023|Categories: Faculty & Staff Events, Faculty & Staff News, News|

Sebuah rangkaian acara untuk mengenang perjalanan, musik, dan perjuangan Iravati Sudiarso (1937-2023). Peluncuran Buku "Empu Pianis Indonesia": 4 Nov. 2023 @ Steinway Gallery, Centra Park, Jakarta Pameran arsip dan dokumentasi kehidupan Iravati M Sudiarso: 4 - 20 Nov. 2023 @ Steinway Gallery, Centra Park, Jakarta Gala Konser: 8 [...]

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Outing SMYPM 2023

By |2023-10-30T14:13:43+07:00October 12th, 2023|Categories: Faculty & Staff News, News|

On Saturday, October 7th 2023, teachers, staff, cleaning and security services of the YPM Music School gathered for an event quite different from their usual daily routines; Outing to Bandung was the program. Time to foster interpersonal relations, to strengthen team spirit and to simply have fun together. [...]

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Sarasehan Bidang Piano

By |2023-09-02T11:34:33+07:00September 2nd, 2023|Categories: Events, Faculty & Staff Events, Faculty & Staff News, News|

Posture and scales, the very basics of piano playing, were the subject of the internal workshop held by our piano department on Sunday, August 27th 2023. A mandatory event for our piano teachers, it provided a platform for discussion, observation, exchange and review in accordance to the syllabus [...]

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Ignasia Surya Soekatman Meraih Juara 3

By |2023-08-10T19:03:56+07:00August 10th, 2023|Categories: News, Student News|

Ignasia Surya Soekatman, siswi SMYPM Bintaro tingkat VI, meraih juara 3 kategori usia B (9-12 tahun) pada "Jakarta Open Instrument Competition" yang diadakan pada 6 Agustus 2023. Kami mengucapkan selamat kepada Ignasia, orang tua serta guru prakteknya Ibu Gracia Astridita!

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