Talkshow “Mengenal lebih dekat generasi Z dan Alpha”
In the context of "Dari Kami untuk Kami", SMYPM's HDR Department organized "Mengenal lebih dekat generasi z dan alpha", an internal event specifically designed for our faculty and staff. [...]
Taman Musik YPM
Taman Musik YPM, soft-launched in May 2024, is a subdivision of the YPM Music School. It's goal is to offer instrument lessons to anyone aged 4 and up without the requirement to attend [...]
Book Launching and Gala Concert now available for viewing on YouTube
For anyone who has unable to attend either book launching or the gala concert held in the name of Iravati M Sudiarso, both events are now available for viewing on YouTube! Links provided below. [...]
Iravati M Sudiarso – Untuk Seni dan Negeri
Sebuah rangkaian acara untuk mengenang perjalanan, musik, dan perjuangan Iravati Sudiarso (1937-2023). Peluncuran Buku "Empu Pianis Indonesia": 4 Nov. 2023 @ Steinway Gallery, Centra Park, Jakarta Pameran arsip dan dokumentasi kehidupan Iravati M [...]
Hana Kaylene Herianto meraih juara 3
Kami mengucapkan selamat kepada Hana Kaylene Herianto yang meraih juara 3 pada Jakarta National Young Artist Piano Competition 2023, kategori "Free Sonata". Hana adalah siswi piano Sekolah Musik YPM tingkat VI dibawah bimbingan Ibu [...]
Outing SMYPM 2023
On Saturday, October 7th 2023, teachers, staff, cleaning and security services of the YPM Music School gathered for an event quite different from their usual daily routines; Outing to Bandung was the program. [...]
Sarasehan Bidang Piano
Posture and scales, the very basics of piano playing, were the subject of the internal workshop held by our piano department on Sunday, August 27th 2023. A mandatory event for our piano teachers, [...]
Selamat Christian Reynard Narapati
Selamat kepada Christian Reynard Narapati Setipu, mantan siswa SMYPM bidang piano tingkat PK 1 dibawah bimbingan Ibu Vanda, yang telah diterima sebagai mahasiswa di School of Jazz and Contemporary Music, bagian dari The [...]
Ignasia Surya Soekatman Meraih Juara 3
Ignasia Surya Soekatman, siswi SMYPM Bintaro tingkat VI, meraih juara 3 kategori usia B (9-12 tahun) pada "Jakarta Open Instrument Competition" yang diadakan pada 6 Agustus 2023. Kami mengucapkan selamat kepada Ignasia, orang [...]
Alumnus Ahmad Gamal Speaker at 2022 G20 Summit
Ahmad Gamal, alumnus class of 2008 and former guitar teacher at SMYPM, appeared as a speaker at the 2022 G20 summit in Bali in his capacity as Director of Innovation and Science & [...]
Evan Maximilian Sim – First Prize Winner Category Solo Free C
Congratulations to Evan Maximilian Sim who won 1st Prize - Category Solo Free C (10-12 years) at the 2022 Jakarta National Young Artist Piano Competition, held during November 2022!
Nicholas I. M. Tobing – First Prize Winner Category Solo Specified E2
Congratulations to Nicholas I. M. Tobing who won 1st Prize - Category Solo Specified E2 at the 2022 Jakarta National Young Artist Piano Competition, held during November 2022!
Rafaela Djauhari Memenangkan Juara Pertama
Rafaela Djauhari, siswi tingkat 6 Sekolah Musik YPM di bahwa bimbingan Ibu Carolina Lukito, memenangkan juara pertama kategori solo free C pada Virtual Jakarta National Young Artist Online Piano Competition 2022 (JYNPAC). Selamat [...]
Stephanie Halim Meraih Juara 2
Stephanie Halim, siswi tingkat Pra PK Sekolah Musik YPM di bahwa bimbingan Ibu Ratna Arumasari Ansyari, meraih juara 2 pada kompetisi Virtual Jakarta National Young Artist Online Piano Competition 2022 (JYNPAC), kategori "Etude [...]
Fairwell to Abraham Aruna Astungkara Mardjono
Fairwell und best of luck to Abraham Aruna Astungkara Mardjono who, after having completed the Pre Conservatory Program - Piano Performance in March 2022, will continue his musical adventure at Berklee College of [...]